Tuesday, October 31, 2006

truth in advertising

.When people ask me how I am I really have to say that "I'm fine" because things are good. We are working on our house, slowly, slowly its coming along. I have a very supportive group of family and friends. I am looking for a new place to work, but I think the right thing is going to come jsut at the right time. I should say do "my" work, because I do the same thing everywhere-work with the kids. It's my own form of ministry, its my calling. I've been working with kids for almost 18 years...wow. It's time for me to up the game a little, this is the time for me to start my graduate degree, so no matter what, in 2007 i'm going back to school.
I've been spending every day with my daughter and that is a great blessing. She is a beautiful, beautiful, amazing and glorious human being. I love my daughter with all my heart.

One of the great lessons I have learned in life is that everyone struggles. It is a part of our humanity. Our greatest stories are about our struggles, and our triumphs. So, the issue cannot be that we struggle, but how we handle our struggle. This is what defines us, our responses and strategies in dealing with our struggles.

I've been doing some serious personal exploration and purging this year. I feel good about the coming year.

Uplift the youth.

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