Monday, February 13, 2006

A poem I wrote

Like I've said before, I don't know if anyone reads this thing, but here's another poem I wrote. It's called "Sick"


You make me sick
So much that my stomach churns
Whenever I think of you
My heart heaves in my chest
Skin gets hot and feverish
And my knees shake

I want to kiss you
hold you
scream your name at the top of my lungs
You make me sick

What can I do?
I think about you all the time.
In my dreams you are there
My thoughts at night, you are there

Every thing I smell
I touch
They all conspire to remind me of you

And there have been times that I swear I can't live without you
That I can not breathe without you
I am sick and you made me this way
Just by being you
You make me sick.

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