Tuesday, September 26, 2006

WTF? Meditations on 30+

I'm gaining weight. From the age of 17 to just recently, my weight went from a low of 135 to an all time high of 192. And that was just once, on a scale that was not mine. This morning, as I was getting dressed, I went through three pairs of pants before I found a comfortable pair. wtf is that? I know exactly what it is. That 30 plus. I don't look any different really, but I weigh 210. I weigh 210 at 6 foot even. And I have a bunch of grey hair. wow.
I guess I could be freaking out, but what makes me anxious (and not really) is that I have to get some new jeans. My shirts are getting a little tight too.
I am going to have to get back on my morning excercise regimen, because I have lost the definition I had. blah, blah, blah.
It's all part of growing older. I like the way I look, I don't feel heavy at all and so I am happy.

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