Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Governor S. do you believe in Redemption?

I sent this to Arnold today.

A letter to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger,

This could be your Best Last Chance, but maybe no one has pointed it out to you because they do not think the way I do.

My dear Governor. You have a crisis of conscience in front of you. The people do not believe in you anymore. We see that you are simply like your best character, the Terminator, a cold blooded programmed killer that discovers his human self. You are telling the people sir, that you are not this person that you are entirely guided by your own will.

You have seen, the world has witnessed a civil miracle, a social force in the person of Mr Stanley “Tookie” Williams. Stanley Williams is a man who has struggled with the impulse to be his worst, to be non human. He has lived for years in a place where the best way to be is to be nonhuman, like your character. He has been recognized by the highest authorities that he has regained his humanity, that he has been redeemed. People that knew you in your former life, they have told you that he is a good man. Do you not believe in your friends? Would you personally kill a man like this in your movies? Wouldn’t that be so terribly unfair? Well sir, this is real life and you have the ability to save a real human life. You can do this or you can kill Stanley Williams.

For me, I do not understand. Yes I do, Yes I do. You do not know what to do. Let me talk to you about an alternate way of seeing things. I mentioned earlier that the people do not believe that you think for yourself and here is an opportunity to demonstrate otherwise. Now you can show everyone-that you are not programmed except by your own conscience that you are not just going to kill this man even though that he has been “okayed”. This is not a decision that you will regret.

If it has not been made clear to you then let me make it clear to you now. Black people will love you for this. We will, (because we love show, we love to welcome the redeemed) rally behind you. We will at least listen, you will have earned our ear. There will be millions of people listening who didn’t listen to you before. You will have shown us that you too are human. We are a very loyal people you know, and we love our heroes. Maybe you learned this when you made your movies and we little black boys lined up to pay and see you deal with the bad guys. I spent many a Saturday in your company, sir. You remain, despite whatever your politics are and real life actions have been, my very favorite all time Action Hero. You were a Hero to many of us-I never understood why you wanted to become a Politician. Yes I do, Yes I do.

In any case Sir, here is your chance to be about the business of serving the masses. The most of us, instead of the least of us. Even those of us who do not vote, those of us who are afraid, those of us who need the most help from those of you in power. You may be on the road to becoming “The Real Peoples’ Champ”.

I wonder Sir, where your true intentions are. The role of an elected official is to represent the people, not just those who elect them or those who who support the politicians. You are in office to be a Governor, a politician for all of us, not just for the wealthy, powerful and vocal. You have a chance to be a Governor for the most of us, not who has the most money.

I wish that I knew you well enough to have this conversation with you in person, or at least on the phone. I hope that these words reach you and that you consider carefully what you will do and say. I do not want a form letter reply or some Xeroxed and stamped BS letter. I want you to tell me as my elected official, why you make whatever decision you decide to make. I am no one, and certainly your decision is between you and your God, but I still want to know why. I am so happy to hear that you have granted a hearing, but this can’t be a political move, it has to be real and sincere.

I am praying for you and for all of our souls. I am praying for Tookie. I believe in the power of prayer and spirit. I hope Sir, for all of our sakes that you are a believer in these things too. I pray that these words reach your heart and that you choose life for Mr. Williams.

Thanks so much. God Bless you,

Malcolm Hoover
East Palo Alto, CA

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