Tuesday, June 27, 2006

ouch.angr brns. ppl r dumb

That's txgtmsg-the new language that kids are using...not just for cell phones. It's an interesting exploration of language, of writing. very few tenses, a lot of implied meaning. I am sure someone has done a study on it.
I was right someone has. txtng
"nothing's original"
-nasir jones

In any case.
I hurt myself tonight. I let my emotions, my imagination and my insecurities get the best of me. That happy trifecta of intense feelings took me to a place that I do not like to go. I had to leave my house and get some fresh air. It wasn't cool. I really felt like, for a cool minute that I was going to really get so angry that I started acting stupid. Then a friend of mine called me and gave me some insight into myself and the situation and I calmed down a lot. As soon as we hung up, in fact I felt a lot better. I have to just deal with reality, not with what I think I know or how my feelings make me think. Just the facts.
I wish I was a Klingon sometimes.
*I actually have been called a "Clingon" but for different reasons

Monday, June 26, 2006

God Life Love Work Family

What's new?
I still haven't gone to a church. I don't know why I am being so stubborn. I need to go. Sunday. I'll make it.
I have to move, because my uncle is renovating the house and renting it out. I'd love to stay, but I can't afford the entire house alone. Sucks, but I know a couple of the kids whose family is moving in and they're great kids. I met the mom on Sunday. Nice Lady, really sweet. I feel good about leaving the house and knowing that they are going to be in it.
Work-I started coming to work earlier, partially because I have to be out early. There is a guy working on our house and he comes EARLY in the am. But what I find is that I get a lot done.
Family-my daughter is growing really well. Her mom is a great mom, I'm just trying to be a good Dad. I am going to have to buy a plane ticket to PA so I can see my son.
I miss him and need to get a better handle on our situation before it is entirely too late.
Power to the Peaceful and God Bless ya.

Friday, June 16, 2006


just real quick..I know that I have written here before about my mantra "I Am Because We Are", basically, the individuals state is directly related to the state of the community in which that individual is located, and vice versa. For example, I can not be healthy if my community is unhealthy. If my community is wealthy then I, too am wealthy.
I am involved in an effort by the community of East Palo Alto to reclaim our youth. One of the initiatives is to employ our young people, and to that end, we have found jobs for over one hundred youths this summer! It's an amazing thing, really. I have to tell you that I am a little scared. Most of these kids have never worked and have no real idea what it is to work.
OK...I started this over a week ago and never finished it. The project is going fine. Of course there are issues, but we haven't had any major blowouts and the kids for the most part are amazing.
God is good.

Monday, June 12, 2006


And you shall receive. I have been going through some drama. But you know what? I am managing to stay ahead of a lot of craziness and do well.
I feel a shift has happened inside. My focus is now where it should be-on making a life for my family, not just doing what I want to make me feel good.
It just so happened that a lot of the things I wanted to do that made me feel good were good things for me to do anyway. Many of the things I liked to do were not good for anyone.
It's part of growing up.

A while ago I had this idea to start a youth serving organization and just now, I am getting it off the ground. We are calling it "The East Palo Alto Unity Project" and I have managed to raise a little bit of money for it. I am ecstatic right now because someone decided that an idea that I had is worth investing their money in. I believe that this organization is going to positively impact the lives of everyone who gets involved.

The goal of the org is to build leadership from the grassroots right here in EPA. There are other organizations who do this, LTA, YCS, and they do a great job. I want to leverage the work they do, and add on.
Our program has three components
1 Bi Weekly Dinners
Twice a month, the EPAUnity Project community will meet for a sit down dinner. At these dinners participants will be engaged in discussion about topics that are relevant to them.
2 Community Service
Every month, the participants will work on either an ongoing community project or a small weekend project. All of the CS projects will be identified, planned and executed by the youth with support from adults.
3 Travel
In the Summer, my goal is to take the participants to Costa Rica for 6 weeks of cultural excahnge, Spanish Immersion Learning and to implement a community service project.