Monday, June 26, 2006

God Life Love Work Family

What's new?
I still haven't gone to a church. I don't know why I am being so stubborn. I need to go. Sunday. I'll make it.
I have to move, because my uncle is renovating the house and renting it out. I'd love to stay, but I can't afford the entire house alone. Sucks, but I know a couple of the kids whose family is moving in and they're great kids. I met the mom on Sunday. Nice Lady, really sweet. I feel good about leaving the house and knowing that they are going to be in it.
Work-I started coming to work earlier, partially because I have to be out early. There is a guy working on our house and he comes EARLY in the am. But what I find is that I get a lot done.
Family-my daughter is growing really well. Her mom is a great mom, I'm just trying to be a good Dad. I am going to have to buy a plane ticket to PA so I can see my son.
I miss him and need to get a better handle on our situation before it is entirely too late.
Power to the Peaceful and God Bless ya.

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