Monday, July 10, 2006


I went to church again this Sunday. Two Sundays in a row. It's a nice church, Abundant Life Christian Fellowship. It's led by Pastor Paul, who studied under one of the very few pastors that I have ever trusted and loved in my life, Bishop Milton C. Grannum. It's a big church, too and very diverse, Asians, Blacks, White people, Latinos, Polynesians, everybody. The first Sunday I went, an Indian guy gave the sermon.
They even have cool childcare. Laila was tired and grumpy, so I took her out and walked around. We ended up at the childcare center, it was full of happy kids and Laila jumped right in. I didn't go back to the service, I just watched her play.
Church, for me is a place to be around other people who believe as I do, but it isn't a place that I go to find God or answers or anything, really other than community. My experiences with God and prayer are the foundations of my faith. It seems a little sacreligious but really I would believe in God, even if I hadn't ever read a Bible.
The church used to be where I went to find God and Answers, but I've found that He is always around and the answers more often than not, just need to be waited on. My problem is that I am short on patience.
I am learning, the hard way it seems, to be patient.

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