Sunday, March 20, 2005

I met Steve Jobs!

I met Steve Jobs yesterday, and I was a little dissapointed. I am absolutely sure that he has people coming up to him all the time totally gushing about how thankful they are for his contributions, but I have to tell you-It's rare for me. I gave him the kind of adulation I reserve for people like Grandmaster Flash. Okay when I met GMF, I was a little bit high and I actually cried-but he still didn't look at me crazy. Steve Jobs has changed the world. He wrote one of the 1st video games-Pong. He is responsible along with Wozniak for making computing more accessible. They actually wanted normal people to be able to use technology to better their lives, not just the geeks.
Steve Jobs, along with his crew at Pixar, revolutionized the way that we look at film and animation. He was the guy behind the Mac and that was another quantum leap for computing. He brought Apple back from the brink of obscurity and made it strong again. The guy has done a bunch of stuff that has directly impacted me as an individual, creatively and professionally and I really am grateful to him for purusing his vision in the world because it has made my life better. I wanted to tell him that, but I think I came off a little too strong and Stan like. It also doesn't help matters that I work for a competing company, but hey what can I say? If Apple was setting up learning labs for low income kids, I'd be the first person to sign up. But they haven't (yet) so I get in where I fit in and work with PCs. But in my heart, I will always be a Mac dude.
In any case, he was not in any hurry to get to know me any better.
No Worries, it's not that often you get to meet Living Legends.

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