Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I must be

Doing the right things.
You know the popular wisdom; "When we are on our paths, the Universe will open up to us and give us things to help us along." I live the truth of that. I had a conversation with a brother the other day, he reminded me that we are our own worst enemies. I have lived that in my life as well. I have to remind myself that following my impulses are not always conducive to my long term goals, to stay away from useless drama, and to remain patient and faithful with God and myself.
I also have to push myself, because I am the only person responsible for me. Ultimately my life is going to be what I make of it. I know those are all cliches, but I am just coming to the truth of those things myself. I've changed a lot in these past two years and I am still changing. It's accelerated growth time. Soon, I'll be moving again, out of my Uncles' house and on my own again. It's strange, to be 35 and living with family, but I love it. I really enjoy my uncle. This is the most time that I have spent with him since I was a little kid. We talk and I learn a lot from him. In a way, he's been like a second father to me, and it his influence in my life, that balanced out my dads' craziness. My dad and my uncle are so much alike, it's wierd. They eat all the same foods, they have very similar personal habits and they even laugh and talk in the same ways. My dad was always the wild one, while my uncle was the steady and stable one. With my brother, Marcus and myself it's been the opposite, he much more like Bob and me like our dad, Jackie.

The core is the same though, we are all centered around our families and our communities. Much of our work is working with youth. My uncle, the tireless organizer, my brother the football coach, my dad mentors a lot of young people in and out of his work and me, the youth development and community dude.

Anyways, I have to get some work done.
Peace to the Peaceful,
Your brother in the Struggle

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