Thursday, January 19, 2006

What the Fuck is Happening with our Government?

I'm just asking questions. I need to do some research, but if I am mistaken, someone please correct me. I thought that the "intelligence" showed that there actually was no connection between Bin Laden and the Iraqis, that Al Qaeda was not operating in any significant way in Iraq. Every time someone blows up something it's Al Qaeda. So we are to believe that they had no significant presence in Iraq before the war, but that now they are primarily responsible for the insurrection in Iraq? gedthefuckouttahere....
Now, a tape has supposedly come out with Bin Ladens' voice on it offering a conditional truce with the US government. Does anyone else think that someone is making this shit up as they go along? So they caught Saddam and no one is talking about what he has been saying, about no weapons of mass destruction, no Bin Laden connection, blah blah, blah. Still no one can seem to find Osama. They can read a newspaper from outer space, we have technology that can read the heat signature of a weed plant in a field of corn, we can listen in on international cell phone conversations, we have a 30 million dollar bounty on his head and no world government is able to find this man?! Are you kidding me? No one is that smart. Either Bin Laden is still working for the United States or, well I think that he is still working for our government. I cannot accept any other possibility.
It is HIGH TIME that we, the regular people of the United States, take the power back. We are just being lazy, letting the rich run our country. Obviously, the government is not acting in the best interests of the citizens. I really feel like "They" just want to keep us all running scared, so we have this bogus "threat indicator", secret international prison camps, a war on terror that is really a war on ideology(?) and the sum total is the American people running around scared of the monsters that our government and corporate interests partnered to create.
Please think about things and don't just react to the Boogie man. Osama is the Boogie man, Al Zaqarwi is the Boogie man. I have heard it said that Al Zaqarwi doesn't even exist. The war is being explained to the American people in the simplest possible terms, like we are a bunch of stupid babies. Maybe some of us are, but you can't fight ideas with bullets. This is not a war we will win.
This is probably seditious speech according to the "Patriot Act" but I think the most Patriotic thing I could ever do is to demand that my government not only represent me, but that my government is actually accountable to me and my fellow Americans.
Whatever-Fuck Bush and all he stands for. He is not my leader.

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