Black Body
He flung his black body
out in space
on the hope that someone
who had a vested interest
in his health
would catch him
The Pledge
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands.
One nation under God with Liberty and Justice for All.
I pledge non allegiance to the rag, the flag of the Unlimited Bullshit that is Amerikkka.
I promise never to forget the genocide of it's native people.
Leading them from Gods plains to Mans' steeples.
I shall always remember the theft of the Afrikan millions that made White trillions.
I promise never to forget the American non concern with the Japanese intern.
I promise to always remember who turned their back on the fleeing Jew, you.
I promise not to forgive the inhumanity perpetrated on the citizens and denizens of this land that are labeled Amerikan.
Many nations without a God with Liberty and Justice for the Rich.
girl, interruptedyoung lady, you are the promise of sweet womanhood converted into something ugly. Your young body betrays itself
you look like something that you are not yet. A woman.
Your mind twisted and convinced that you are grown, coz you got ass and titties bigger than your mamas
coz men want to get close to you and get in between your thighs
coz you look like something you are not.
your short fifteen years have certainly been brutal, but sweetheart, they have not prepared you to adequately nurture yourself, much less any other
a woman loves herself
she knows her magic
you do not yet know yours
but back to you little mama
your mind is too precious to waste
on bullshit
but these “men”, these super predators who call themselves men
who rush to wait for you just outside the school zone
who only want to press their sweaty dead flesh against yours
only want to steal away your beauty, your youth
they only want to wear you for a little while
they will wear you out
Their time has passed and the little trinkets they give you
the little pieces of gold nothing that they trade you for your time
and pussy
cannot replace what they steal from you
They will tear you apart
“I been fucking niggas like you”
she said to me
“who the fuck is you to tell me? Nigga you ain’t shit”
and I said
“sweetheart. yes, you been fucked. By a lot of niggas. but you don’t know nobody like me. All I want from you is for you to love yourself enough to be okay without them niggas.”
They will destroy you
And I ain’t shit
I must not be because I do not have enough power to save you. I cannot be in enough places at once to keep you safe from those nasty motherfuckers. I do not have enough power, my arms are not long and wide enough to hold you close. To love you through your precious childhood
I ain’t shit
but I wish I was.
the cold part is you ain’t gon’ be shit either when they finished with you.