Tuesday, April 18, 2006


It's warm outside and the air here in EPA smells so good. There's all kinds of craziness in the air. It's spring. Yesterday I saw two young brothers get arrested. It went like this: I was driving around EPA about to go to Oakland and I saw two of my students, one in the car, one sitting in the window. I asked them if they needed a jump or some help, left my car to go check it out and the police rolled up 4 deep. Turns out the car was stolen. Damn.
What the hell? I don't know what happened, if they stole the car or what, but somewhere along the line yesterday, those boys made a series of bad choices.
It kills me to see our kids in these situations these dumb ass circumstances that they don't have to endure. So much of it, so much failure is built into our consciousness, we don't know we just do shit, just to do it.
Seems like that anyway.
You want to see something beautiful? Look at this rose that was growing in front of my house.

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