Monday, April 24, 2006

It really is about me

I know that. Okay, I am bad with paperwork. I admit that it is a weakness of mine. I do my taxes late, I turn in timesheets at the last minute, and I forget to pay tickets. Those first two symptoms are inconvenient, but there are workarounds. That last one got my car towed in SF today.
I need my car, but even more than that, I have to get my life to the point where I am not in crisis from minute to minute. I do not want to be anyones' "cause." Like "oh let's go save Malcolm" because I have been that before, saved and other peoples' causes. I don't think that it was all that good for me, to get saved so much.
Not that I don't need help, we all do at various times. I just don't want to feel like this anymore, I want to stand completely on my own two feet, not on someone else's shoulders. I have people who rely on me to be strong and I have to be able to help them to be strong. I can't keep creating these situations by my inattention.
God Help Me, because I don't know what to do.

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